hepatitis c


Certain states in the US require prescribers to be Specialists to prescribe medication for patients with Hepatitis C. Florida has been one of those states. It requires you to be an Infectious Disease Specialist, a Gastroenterologist, or Hepatologist. Some states will allow those with the specialty from The American Academy of HIV Medicine to prescribe as well.

I was provided an opportunity to speak to the Drug Utilization Review Committee in Tallahassee on February 16, 2020. It was a chance to plant the seed among the committee members to remove this restriction for the State of Florida. However, there was not enough time to continue and complete the discussion. I was invited back to speak on June 18 through a Zoom Meeting. I’m happy to say the committee was very receptive and removed the restriction for prescribing Hepatitis C drugs to those greatly in need. This is a big win for patients living with hepatitis C.

The goal of the World Health Organization is to eliminate hepatitis C by the year 2030. By allowing more prescribers, including Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants, to prescribe these medications, we can greatly increase the force available to reach this goal.

I’m grateful to those involved in the committee for allowing me to present and even more grateful for those who voted in favor of removing this restriction for prescribers of hepatitis C medications.

If you have hepatitis C, or know someone who does, let them know we see patients with and without insurance. An office visit of $50 is requested for those who don’t have insurance. We can actually get patient cured from hepatitis C for less than $300. The time. Her treatment is eight weeks, and then we see patients back three months after they complete treatment to prove that they have been cured.

Please pass the word that our goal is to eliminate Hepatitis C from the world, and with your help, we can do it. Have a great day and remember:

Be Happy, Help Others

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