Hepatitis Awareness Event: Let’s Join Forces for a Liver-Healthy Future

Hepatitis Awareness Event: Let’s Join Forces for a Liver-Healthy Future

Come and be a part of our Hepatitis Awareness Event, aimed at promoting liver health and raising awareness about hepatitis prevention and management. This community-focused event seeks to educate, inspire, and encourage open dialogue about hepatitis and its impact on our society. Event Highlights: Together, we can make a difference in the fight against hepatitis…

HIV Prevention Awareness Event: Let’s Unite for a Healthier Future

HIV Prevention Awareness Event: Let’s Unite for a Healthier Future

Join us for an informative and engaging event focused on HIV prevention and promoting a healthier future for all. This community gathering aims to raise awareness, provide education, and encourage open dialogue about HIV and its prevention. Event Highlights: Expert speakers discussing the latest advancements in HIV prevention and treatmentInteractive workshops on safe practices, PrEP,…

World Hepatitis Day

World Hepatitis Day

Sunday – July 28th | 10 am – 12 pm Pasadena Yacht Club, Gulfport, FL$50 per ticket and includes brunch Questions or Concerns | lovethegoldenrule@hotmail.com Love the Golden Rule has treated over 2,000 Hepatitis patients throughout the Tampa Bay region and has cured over 900 patients in the last four years. Love the Golden Rule…